Bento Buddy "Original" Flying Pet
This mesh Agency innovation is a new generation experimental "bento"
pet. Dynamic and interactive in a way that is nothing like what exists
in second life to this day. The wings of this cute and adorable bubble
bird will flex and bend as it fly's around you not just sitting on your
shoulder or attached to one point of your body.
You can catch a glimpses of your buddy in the OFFICIAL second life bento presentation here :
The Pack includes :
- Your Bento Buddy Original
- Play Hud with 7 fun animations (cuddle,kiss...)
- Color hud with lots of colorfull possibility's
- Cloud Bed ADDON to give your buddy sweet dreams
- Could Swing ADDON you can leave with regular animations or use hud buttons to swing
Here are a few things you need to know BEFORE you purchase this item :
You must be using a Bento enabled viewer to see your buddy's animation.
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